Saturday, November 27, 2010

ZZZ's Quizzes Walkthrough

On this walk through, you should be clicking where it is highlighted, that is usually the general or exact area I am talking about.
1) You want to have a never before used with ZZZ's email, and open that up in a tab
2) Clear your cookies
3) Sign in, go to offers and go to the drop-down box and find "ZZZ Quizzes"

4) Find an offer you want to do

5) Click on the title, and you should get a page like this:

6) Do the quiz and submit, next you should get a box to put in your email:

7)Put in the unique/valid email and submit, now go to your email that you opened in the other tab, and look for a email in the spam or inbox

8) Enter the code into a code box:

9) Enter VALID information:

10) Put no to one's looking like this:

11) On the list, put 2 or more yes's:

12) Click "next" on the orange bar:

13) Now, go to the bottom of the ad, and find a "skip, continue, no thanks, or pass"

14) Repeat steps 11 and 12

15) Now go and click "Pass/Continue" on the top right corner:

16) Thats basically it, the rest of the offer, keep clicking skip (or something related to that) and the rest of the yes's and no's, just click no:
17) You should end on a page with the quiz results:

18) Now, wait about 15 seconds, and let the results sit,
 then go back to piggybank and click submit.:
19) Your done, it should credit instantly!!

Thanks for reading my first walkthrough, I hoped this helped, and feel free to send me an inbox message on piggybankgpt, leave a comment, or just ask on the cb for a special offer you would like

- airwalker612